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Ingeteam Ingecon

### Main Display Information

- **Pac**: Power delivered by the converter to the electrical grid (kW).
- **Vac**: Output voltage (V) of the converter, at the connection to the electrical grid.
- **Iac**: Output current of the converter (A).
- **Fac**: Output frequency of the current fed into the electrical grid (Hz).
- **PhiCos**: Cosine of Phi. It's the cosine of the phase angle between grid voltage and the current delivered by the converter. If the phase shift is zero (0°), the cosine of phi is 1; cos 0° = 1.

### Additional Display Information

- **Vcc**: Voltage delivered by the solar panels to the converter.
- **Icc**: Current delivered by the solar panels to the converter.

### Alarms Status

- **Alarms**: Converter's alarm status. Below are the meanings of the alarms:
- **0000H**: No alarms.
- **0001H**: Insufficient input voltage.
- **0002H**: Grid frequency out of threshold.
- **0004H**: Grid voltage out of allowed limits.
- **0008H**: Overcurrent in converter bridge.
- **0010H**: Overcurrent in DC/DC converter.
- **0020H**: Insulation failure.
- **0040H**: Grid overcurrent.
- **0080H**: Overheating.
- **0100H**: Bus overvoltage.
- **0200H**: Configuration change.
- **0400H**: Manual stop.
- **0800H**: HW error.
- **1000H**: Instantaneous grid overcurrent.
- **2000H**: Islanding operation detected.
- **8000H**: Hardware error warning.

The displayed value of this variable "Alarm Inv" can be the result of the hexadecimal sum of two or more values listed above.
Example: Alarm Inv = 0006H means that both the frequency and the voltage of the grid are out of the allowed limits.

- **NumInv**: Number assigned to the converter through the menu accessible on the display.
- **Cod1 & Cod2**: Operation code of the device. It may be requested by the Ingeteam customer service.
- **SN**: Serial number.

### Energy and Operation Data

- **Etot**: Total energy delivered by the converter to the grid ex-factory, in kWh. The recording of the device's serial number marks the start of this energy count.
- **TCon**: Number of hours the converter is connected to the grid.
- **Num.Con**: Number of grid connections made during all operating hours.

### Partial Energy Data

- **E.Par**: Total energy delivered by the converter to the grid since the last counter reset, in kWh.
- **T.ConP**: Number of hours the converter is connected to the grid since the last counter reset.
- **N.ConP**: Number of grid connections made since the last counter reset.

### Firmware Information

- **Ver.FW**: Firmware version of the device.
- **Ver.FWD**: Firmware version of the device's display.
- **Boot D.**: Version of the display program hosting the firmware.

2.5TL 3TL 3.3TL 3.68TL 3.8TL 4.6TL 5TL 6TL
10TL 12.5TL 15TL 18TL
SUN POWER 50 60 70 80 90 100
30TLM3 50TLM4
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