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Table of Events

When calling Service, be prepared with the following information:

  • Displayed error number (No.)
  • Serial number of the inverter (refer to section 7.7 for Information)

Fatal Errors

  • 90 AC Voltage Too High
    • Disconnect inverter from mains.
    • Check AC plug connection.
  • 91 DC Voltage Too High
    • Disconnect inverter from mains and DC terminal.
    • Check module interconnection.
  • 92 Polarity of DC Connection Reversed
    • Check DC connection.
  • 93 Insulation Error Between PV+ or PV- and Earth
    • Check insulation of PV modules and wiring.

Blocking Errors

  • 100 to 103 Blocking System Error
    • Disconnect inverter from mains, restart. If unsuccessful, call Service.
  • 104 DC Voltage Too High
    • Check module interconnection.
  • 105 Startup: Polarity of DC Connection Reversed
    • Check DC connection.
  • 106 to 129 Blocking System Error
    • Disconnect inverter from mains, restart. If unsuccessful, call Service.
  • 130 Connections L and N Reversed
    • Check L and N connections on AC plug.
  • 131 to 199 System Error
    • Disconnect inverter from mains, restart. If unsuccessful, call Service.

Non-Blocking Errors

  • 201 Amplitude Limit for Feed Phase Exceeded or Fallen Below
    • Have voltage amplitude of feed phase checked.
  • 202 to 204 (3 Phase ENS) Amplitude Limit of Phase Voltages Exceeded or Fallen Below
    • Ensure all fuses are on, have inverter 3-phase connected.
  • 208 System Incident on Feed Phase (Voltage Peak)
    • If frequent, check all bondings and fuses, and mains quality.
  • 210, 211 Mains Frequency Above or Below Limits
    • If running on emergency power (different main frequency), no measure required.
  • 212 to 219 Diagnosis Support During Service
    • Provide the service with the error code if required.
  • 220 to 224 Measured Temperatures Too High
    • Check ventilation openings.
  • 230 to 233 Temperature Sensor Defective
    • Disconnect inverter from mains, restart. If unsuccessful, call Service.
  • 234 to 289 Diagnosis Support During Service
    • Provide the service with the error code if required.
  • 290 Subsequent Error in Case of System Incident or Excess Temperature
    • No measure required.
  • 291 to 299 Diagnosis Support During Service
    • Provide the service with the error code if required.


  • 300 to 399 Diagnosis Support During Service
    • Inverter stores warning in event memory. Provide the service with the error code if required.


  • 400 to 499 Diagnosis Support During Service
    • Inverter stores warning in event memory. Provide the service with the error code if required.

PLATINUM Inverter Troubleshooting Guide

Internal System Errors

  • 1350, 1370, 1381, 1382, 1500, 6000 to 6003, 6005 to 6008, 6010 to 6014, 6016 to 6022, 6025, 6026 to 6039, 6054, 6055, 6058 to 6063, 6069
    • Action: Disconnect inverter from DC generator and mains, wait ~3 minutes until de-energized, re-engage. If repetitive, contact PLATINUM service with error code and serial number.

Feed and Communication Issues

  • 1800: Feed lock active.
  • 2000: Temporarily separated from mains; auto-return post-error clearance.
  • 2500, 2510 to 2512, 2600: Check PLATINUM network (EIA 485) connections or internal communication error.
  • 2610, 2611, 2620: Internal memory error.

Specific Faults

  • 2980: Self-test error, perform during feed.
  • 4010, 4100, 4110, 4120, 4130, 4140, 4150, 4160, 4230, 4410, 4420, 4430, 4500, 4600, 4610, 4999: Informational, no action required.
  • 6015, 6046: Insulation resistance too low, check generator to earth insulation.
  • 6040, 6041, 6042, 6043: Voltage above or below limit, check grid voltage.
  • 6044, 6045, 6051, 6052, 6053, 6064: Grid or frequency error, verify grid frequency and voltage.
  • 6065, 6066, 6067, 6068: Incorrect country code or parameter settings, set country code, possibly reconfigure in service menu.
  • 6070, 6071: Time of day not set, set time.
  • 6072: Wrong firmware version, update LT bootloader as soon as possible.

General Advice

  • For all errors, initial steps include checking connections, settings, and ensuring proper operation conditions. For persistent or unclear issues, contacting PLATINUM service with the error code and inverter's serial number is recommended for further assistance.

This guide is designed for PLATINUM Inverter models 11000 TL3, 13000 TL3, 17000 TL3, 20000 TL3, offering a comprehensive overview of common issues and steps for resolution.

Fatal System Error

  • 950: Fatal system error. Action: Call service and provide the error code.

Blocking System Errors

  • 1000 to 1060, 1070 to 1290, 1310 to 1990: Blocking system error. Action: Disconnect inverter from mains, restart. If unsuccessful, call service.
  • 1300: L and N connections reversed. Action: Check L and N connections on AC plug.
  • 1670: AC overvoltage protection error. Action: Call service and provide the error code.
  • 1710: DC overvoltage protection error. Action: Call service and provide the error code.
  • 1750: Power electronics error. Action: Call service and provide the error code.

Non-Blocking Errors

  • 2010: AC voltage on feed phase out of limits. Action: Have AC voltage checked.
  • 2020 to 2040: Phase voltage issues for 3 phase ENS. Action: Ensure fuses are on, have 3-phase connection checked.
  • 2080: System incident on feed phase. Action: If frequent, check bondings and mains quality.
  • 2090: Mains quality limit exceeded. Action: Check voltage dip and inform power plant operator.
  • 2100, 2110: Mains frequency out of limits. Action: No measure required if running on emergency power.
  • 2120 to 2130, 2630 to 2890: Diagnosis support. Action: Provide error code to service.
  • 2140 to 2180: High fault current on switch-on. Action: Check DC side insulation resistance.
  • 2200 to 2250: High measured temperatures. Action: Check ventilation openings.
  • 2260: Max mains current exceeded. Action: Check AC side for short circuit.
  • 2300 to 2330, 2340 to 2610: Temperature sensor defective or diagnosis support. Action: Restart inverter; if unsuccessful, call service.
  • 2620: Power supply on interface card overloaded. Action: Check and disconnect connections if necessary. Call service if unsuccessful.
  • 2710 to 2730: Max AC exceeded. Action: Check AC side for short circuit.
  • 2740: Min DC voltage not reached.
  • 2750: Manual stop. Action: Check EMERGENCY STOP switch position, call service with the error code.

Warnings and Information

  • 3000 to 3990, 4000 to 4990, 5000 to 5990: Diagnosis support, storing warnings in event memory. Action: Provide service with the error code.

Models: DIEHL
2100S 2800S 3100S 3800S 4300S 4301S 4600S 4601S
13000TL 16000TL 19000TL 22000TL
7000R3 9000R3 11000R3 14000R3 16000R3
2100H 3000H 4000H 4600H
11000TL3 13000TL3 17000TL3 20000TL3

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